Gifted Identification and Placement
The state of Arizona mandates that school districts identify students as gifted when they score at the 97th percentile or above in any one of the three approved areas on a state-approved assessment (Verbal, Quantitative, and Nonverbal).
Highland Lakes offers the following:
Renaissance Highly Gifted Program available to 1st-8th grade students who meet placement criteria and application requirements.
Bright Beginnings Kindergarten
Gifted Cluster Classrooms K-3
SPARK Enrichment Grades 3-6
Walk-up to Math available Grades 3-6
Advanced classes for grades 7-8, High School Spanish and Algebra, Clubs and Sports
Music Academy available to all students in Grades 5-8 with Band, Chorus and/or Orchestra
In addition, the state allows local school districts to provide services for students who score below the 97th percentile. In Deer Valley, at Highland Lakes, these highly talented and high-achieving students are commonly referred to as Talent Pool students. While not recognized as gifted by the state definition, these Talent Pool learners are eligible to receive gifted services when they score between the 94th - 96th percentile. Talent Pool learners may receive content replacement and/ or enrichment services if they meet specific criteria.
Renaissance Highly Gifted Academies
Renaissance Highly Gifted Academies provide rigorous learning experiences that address the individual needs of gifted students. Renaissance students in grades 1-8 acquire a solid foundation in the content areas of mathematics, language and communication arts, social studies, science, and technology literacy. Students work 1-2 years above grade level within core content areas.
DVUSD accepts applications for placement in one of the Renaissance Highly Gifted Academies for students meeting specific criteria for intellectual and academic capabilities (Canyon Springs STEM Academy, Highland Lakes Music and Arts Academy, Las Brisas Global Studies Academy and Hillcrest M.S. Global Studies Academy).
Standard Application. All 3 scores (Verbal, Quantitative, Non-Verbal) are at the 90th percentile or higher with a total of 280 percentile points or greater combined. ~OR~ a qualifying I.Q. Score of 132 or higher. Additional criteria include documented achievement above grade level and gifted characteristic profiles completed by parents and teachers.
Provisional Application. Gifted Services may open up "Provisional Applications" for classrooms where space is available. These are to allow us to place students who come very close to meeting the standard application gifted score requirements but just missed the cut-off. All 3 scores (Verbal, Quantitative, Non-Verbal) equal a total of 280 percentile points or greater combined. ~OR~ a qualifying I.Q. Score of 130 or higher. Additional criteria include documented achievement above grade level and gifted characteristic profiles completed by parents and teachers.
Bright Beginnings
The primary age experience within the Bright Beginnings classroom is enriched to ensure growth and development. Primary age students in grades K-2 explore academic content above grade level. Students benefit from a thematic approach to learning, fostering depth and complexity across each of the core content areas.
DVUSD accepts applications for placement in one of the Renaissance Highly Gifted Academies for students meeting specific criteria for intellectual and academic capabilities at Highland Lakes Music and Arts Academy. Students are eligible for placement in a Bright Beginnings program when they score at the 90th percentile in one of the three state-approved areas (Verbal, Quantitative, Non-Verbal).