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Highland Lakes School

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Highland Lakes School
Home of the Bears!

HLS Volunteer Training

HLS Volunteer Training

Are you interested in attending field trips*, helping in your student’s class, volunteer coaching or working with the PTSO? These are just a few of the reasons you will need to attend the DVUSD Volunteer Training Class. This class is REQUIRED to volunteer on any DVUSD school campus. 

Already taken the training??... Trained volunteers must complete new online paperwork each school year.  Use this link-

If you have not previously attended a district-sponsored training session, please plan on going to one soon.  All individuals who volunteer must complete "Basic Training" before volunteering their time on any campus or events.  

This 1-hour session is the ONLY class you’ll ever need for your entire time with DVUSD. Names are kept on file with the District Office once training is complete so that you may “transfer” your volunteer activity to any school within the school district. Once completed, 2 forms need to be updated ANNUALLY for volunteer activity to continue. At Highland Lakes we appreciate the opportunity to have parents and/or other community members help out at school.   

Trainings will be provided in the campus library on the following dates/times:


September 7th at 5:30pm

December 7th at 5:30pm

February 1st  at 5:30pm

If the dates provided at our school do not meet your scheduling needs you may take the class at any DVUSD school. Please check the DVUSD website for additional dates and locations. Please make arrangements for care of siblings, as they are not allowed on campus during the volunteer class or during any volunteering.

*Overnight field trip chaperons must be fingerprinted; volunteer training must be completed PRIOR to being fingerprinted. Fingerprints take approximately 8 weeks for results to be returned to us, allowing plenty of time for this to take place. You can find information about fingerprinting here: 


If you have any questions, please email


Volunteer Trainings by date across the district


Fill out annual paperwork here (for people already volunteer trained)


Volunteer Handbooks and Forms- English and Spanish


HLS Volunteer FAQ