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Highland Lakes School

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Highland Lakes School
Home of the Bears!

Social Studies Department

1. Pencils with erasers                                                                              8. Colored Pencils
2. Mini Personal Pencil Sharpener                                                        9. Lined Notebook Paper
3. Black or Blue Pens                                                                             10. Glue Sticks
4. Red Pens                                                                                            11. 2 rolls of Scotch Tape
5. Dry Erase Markers                                                                            12. Pencil case/bag for small items above
6. Ruler (with Metric side)                                                                    13. Sturdy Backpack
7. Highlighter      

  •   14. Headphones with standard jack

  • Social Studies Supplies - Lewis
    1. 1 – 1” three ring binder – plastic cover preferred
    2. 1 package of dividers for 3 ring binder 


  • Social Studies - Hauser and Mathew

  •  1 (3- subject) Spiral Notebook-1

  • **No Composition Notebook



    technology image
    ● Students will keep their Chromebooks in their backpacks unless they are instructed to take it out for a class activity.
    ● Chromebooks will be the primary method for technology access. If a student forgets
    the Chromebook, there are no devices available to check out.
    ● Students should bring both their Chromebook and charger to school with them.
    ● Students should have their name on their device and their charger (using painters
    ● All phones must be silenced and placed in the student’s backpack. Students may use their phones during lunch only.

● Students should not be playing games, watching videos unrelated to content), etc.
during class.

DVUSD AI Guidance

“In the Deer Valley Unified School District, we are committed to providing our students with the best possible
education while ensuring their safety, privacy, and well-being. As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance learning
experiences, teachers may incorporate generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the classroom for students. Students
must adhere to the specific guidelines provided in the assignment details. If no guidance around the use of generative
AI is provided, students should follow the “restrictive” level (see chart). Teachers should direct students to contact their
teacher before submitting classwork if the student is unsure if the tool or website they are using is permitted on a specific assignment."

Levels of Generative AI Use by Students


  • DVUSD Academic Integrity Statement

    “To be college-, career-, and community-ready, students in the Deer Valley Unified School District are expected to
    demonstrate academic integrity. Academic integrity is all about being honest and fair in your schoolwork. It means
    doing work that is entirely your own and giving credit to others (including generative Artificial Intelligence tools) through
    proper citation when you use their ideas or words. If you have questions about the guidelines for academic integrity,
    you should discuss them with your teacher.”

    DVUSD Academic Dishonesty Statement

    Academic dishonesty refers to any action that compromises the integrity of academic work or evaluation processes.
    This includes but is not limited to:
    ● Copying or stealing another person’s work or data (plagiarism);
    ● Allowing another person to copy one’s work;