Science Department
7th Grade Science Standards
Physical Science Standards
7.P2U1.1 - Collect and analyze data demonstrating how electromagnetic forces can be attractive or repulsive and can vary in strength.
7.P2U1.2 - Develop and use a model to predict how forces act on objects at a distance.
7.P3U1.3 - Plan and carry out an investigation that can support an evidence-based explanation of how objects on Earth are affected by gravitational force.
7.P3U1.4 - Use non-algebraic mathematics and computational thinking to explain Newton’s laws of motion.
Earth and Space Standards
7.E1U1.5 - Construct a model that shows the cycling of matter and flow of energy in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere.
7.E1U1.6 - Construct a model to explain how the distribution of fossils and rocks, continental shapes, and seafloor structures provides evidence of the past plate motions.
7.E1U2.7 - Analyze and interpret data to construct an explanation for how advances in technology has improved weather prediction.
Life Science Standards
7.L1U1.8 - Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to provide evidence that all living things are made of cells, cells come from existing cells, and cells are the basic structural and functional unit of all living things.
7.L1U1.9 - Construct an explanation to demonstrate the relationship between major cell structures and cell functions (plant and animal).
7.L1U1.10 - Develop and use a model to explain how cells, tissues, and organ systems maintain life (animals).
7.L1U1.11 - Construct an explanation for how organisms maintain internal stability and evaluate the effect of the external factors on organisms’ internal stability.
7.L2U1.12 - Construct an explanation for how some plant cells convert light energy into food energy.
8th Grade Science Standards
Physical Science Standards
8.P1U1.1 - Develop and use a model to demonstrate that atoms and molecules can be combined or rearranged in chemical reactions to form new compounds with the total number of each type of atom conserved.
8.P1U1.2 - Obtain and evaluate information regarding how scientists identify substances based on unique physical and chemical properties.
8.P4U1.3 - Construct and explanation on how energy can be transfered from one energy store to another.
8.P4U1.4 - Develop and use mathematical models to explain wave characteristics and interactions.
8.P4U2.5 - Develop a solution to increase efficiency when transferring energy from one source to another.
Earth and Space Standards
8.E1U1.6 - Analyze and interpret data about the Earth's geological column to communicate relative ages of rock layers and fossils.
8.E1U3.7 - Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about data and historical patterns to predict natural hazards and other geological events.
8.E1U3.8 - Construct and support an argument about how human consumption of limited resources impacts the biosphere.
Life Science Standards
8.L3U1.9 - Construct an explanation of how genetic variations occur in offspring through the inheritance of traits or through mutations.
8.L3U3.10 - Communicate how advancements in technology have furthered the field of genetic research and use evidence to support an argument about the positive and negative effects of genetic research on human lives.
8.L4U1.11 - Develop and use a model to explain how natural selection may lead to increases and decreases of specific traits in populations over time.
8.L4U1.12 - Gather and communicate evidence on how the process of natural selection provides an explanation of how new species can evolve.