Email: ryan.rockey@dvusd.org
Phone: (623)376-4344
Qualifications: Bachelor of Music Education from Northern Arizona University
Mr. Rockey
Mr. Rockey is one of three music specialists at the Highland Lakes Renaissance Music Academy. He is a graduate of Northern Arizona University. Mr. Rockey has been teaching and assisting with music programs in Arizona and California since 1998. Mr. Rockey was a long time performing member in the Tempe Symphonic Wind Ensemble.
Mr. Rockey is married with two daughters, Sierra and Emma. The Rockey family also has a loving Golden Retriever named Roxy Heart.
2024-25 DATES to Remember:
December 4 Choir Concert
December 10 Orchestra Concert
December 12 All Bands Concert / Call Time 5:30pm Concert 6:00pm
February 7 District Honor Band
March 27 8th Grade District Band Assessment @Mountain Ridge During School
March 28 District Choir Assessment During School
April 3rd Week 4th Grade MIM Trip During School
May 7 HLS Choir Concert
May 8 HLS Orcestra Concert
May 9-11 Band Orchestra Choir Disney Trip
May 13 HLS Band Concert
Thank You!