Principal's Page
HLS has been working hard to prepare your children for the AZ Sci and AASA assessments that began on March 25th. We feel that we have done a great job and know that your children are very prepared to show what they have learned. Please see the testing calendar attachments below for testing dates by grade level.
Along with the test-taking tips below, it is very important that during testing all students come to school every day, arrive on time, and not be signed out for appointments. If your child leaves during the middle of a test, according to state guidelines, they will not be able to make it up.
Helpful test-taking tips:
Make sure that your children get enough sleep. Remember that old saying about eight to ten hours of sleep a night? Being well rested is perhaps the most important and unfortunately most overlooked aspect of health when trying to stay focused.
Make sure that your children eat healthy. Often times in our busy schedules we forget to take time out for our most obvious needs. If your children are not eating well, we cannot possibly expect them to perform well in school, or anything else. Try and avoid heavy foods that may make him/her groggy and avoid high sugar food. Make sure they are eating right. Encourage your child to stay relaxed on the test.
Keep a positive attitude about tests.
Make sure that your child gets up early enough so that he/she will be on time to school.
Please do not schedule appointments during testing. Students who leave school before completing a particular test are ineligible to continue the test for that session.
Talking about the test with your child can relieve stress about test taking.
By following these suggestions, your child will have an even better chance of showing their true ability. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask. Thank you for all that you do. Being a parent is the most important job there is.